Center for Social Complexity

Social Impacts of Nuclear Detonations

The Center for Social Complexity at George Mason University will work with the defense contractor, Applied Research Associates (ARA), and others on a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) project. The project will investigate modeling Human-Infrastructure Interactions Following Nuclear Detonations and is part of DTRA’s Social Impacts of Nuclear Detonations (SIND) program. The 3+ year and $600,000 effort started 10 September 2021 and will develop models that incorporate physiological (i.e., injuries or causalities from nuclear detonations), psychological, and sociological phenomena/ behaviors into an Agent-Based Model (ABM) of the infrastructures, their workers, and their customers. Center co-directors Dr. William G. Kennedy will serve at the PI, Dr. Hamdi Kavak as Co-PI. They plan to employ a graduate research assistant and two consultants. The consultants are Dr. Andrew Crooks at the University at Buffalo, NY and Dr. Christopher Dyer of the University of New Mexico.