Related Publications and Sites

On the Air

On the Air with Kirk LaPointe: interview with Bill Kennedy, 7/12/17

In the Press

Atlantic Magazine interview, which was subsequently picked up by:

• Bullen, J. (2017), Scientists to Simulate How 20 MILLION People Would React to Nuclear Bomb in New York City, The Mirror.
• Rogers, J. (2017), Union City Blues: Scientists Simulate Nuclear Attack on New York, The Express.
• Waugh, J. (2017), World War 3: Scientists to Simulate Nuclear Bomb Going Off in New York, Metro.
• Wilkinson, J. (2017), What Happens if New York Gets Nuked? Scientists Simulate 20 MILLION People in Massive Computer System to See How State Would Respond to a Nuclear Attack, Daily Mail.

Related Projects

Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, J. Daniel Rogers, Paul Schopf, Sean Luke, Jeff Bassett, Atesmachew Hailegiorgis, William Kennedy, Peter Froncek, Meghan Mulkerin, Madeline Shaffer, Ermo Wei; MASON NorthLands: A Geospatial Agent-Based Model of Coupled Human-Artificial-Natural Systems in Boreal and Arctic Regions, 2015.

William G. Kennedy, Jeffrey K. Bassett; Implementing a “Fast and Frugal” Cognitive Model within a Computational Social Simulation, 2011.


Altan, O., et al, 2010,Geoinformation for Disaster and Risk Management.

Briggs, Thomas, Kennedy, William, 2016, Active Shooter: An Agent-based Model of Armed Resistance.

Cioffi-Revilla, C. (2016, October). Universal laws of disaster. In Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2016 (pp. 272-279). IEEE.

Arta Dilo, Sisi Zlatanova, A data model for operational and situational information in emergency response, Applied Geomatics, December 2011, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp 207–218.

Luche Tadesse Ejeta, Ali Ardalan, Douglas Paton, Application of Behavioral Theories to Disaster and Emergency Health Preparedness: A Systematic Review, PLOS, July 1, 2015.

Fenstermacher, L., et al, 2010, Protecting the Homeland from International and Domestic Terrorism.

How to Survive a Nuclear Attack, Wiki.

Knopf, J.,International Cooperation on WMD Nonproliferation The University of Georgia Press, 2016.

Huang, Yanyan,Modeling and simulation method of the emergency response systems based on OODA, Science Direct, Volume 89, November 2015, Pages 527–540.

Huang, Kai, Yiping Jiang, Yufei Yuan, Lindu Zhao; Modeling multiple humanitarian objectives in emergency response to large-scale disasters, Science Direct, Volume 75, March 2015, Pages 1–17.

Jennex, Murray E., Modeling Emergency Response Systems,System Sciences, HICSS 2007.

Masi, D., Knepley, Jr., Joseph E., Saltsman, E. WMD Impact Modeling and Response, 2010.

McKay, J., Nuclear Weapons, 2014.

News and Terrorism/Communicating in a Crisis, National Academies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Smith, Harvey, 1991, Nuclear Deterrence.

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), UNODA.

Weapons of mass destruction, NATO.

WMD Nonproliferation, The Lugar Center, 2017

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